Airport and airlines
Useful information for airport passengers traveling by plane
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Useful Info
Airport and airlines
Cabin baggage
What can be taken on board in cabin baggage?
Useful Info
Airport and airlines
Cabin baggage
What items are forbidden to take on board in cabin baggage?
Useful Info
Airport and airlines
Transport of liquids in cabin baggage
Why can’t I carry liquids in my cabin baggage?
Useful Info
Airport and airlines
Hold baggage
What cannot be transported in hold baggage?
Useful Info
Airport and airlines
Loss of or damage to baggage
What do I do if my baggage is lost or damaged?
Useful Info
Airport and airlines
Low cost flights
What are low-cost flights?
Useful Info
Airport and airlines
The offers of low-cost flights
How do you choose a low-cost flight?
Useful Info
Airport and airlines
Low cost Airlines
What are low cost airlines?