04 October 2018

Application of passenger rights legislation

Who has the rights to the forms of protection envisaged for the passenger?
Current legislation at a national, EU and international level on the main rights and forms of protection provided for passengers envisages forms of compensation in the event of disruption to air transport, which is applicable under precise conditions.
Rights to protection envisaged by EU regulations are granted to the passenger who:
  • possesses an air ticket
  • has a confirmed booking
  • presents themselves for check-in according to the methods and within the time stated in writing by the airline, tour operator or authorised travel agent or, if not time is indicated, performs check-in no later than 45 minutes before the published departure time.
These safeguards also apply if the airline or tour operator transfers the passenger from the booked flight to another flight, regardless of the reason.
No rights to protection by EU regulations are granted to the passenger who:
  • travels free of charge or at a reduced rate that is not accessible, directly or indirectly, to the public (for example, the employees of the airline, travel agency or tour operators)
  • has been denied boarding for reasons of health or security, or in the event of invalid travel documents.
Text by Alisè Vitri
Published 04 April 2018
Sourge: www.europa.eu, Enac (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) www.enac.gov.it
Photos: Sisterscom.com, Shutterstock
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