12 June 2020
IATA interactive map gives travelers latest Covid-19 restrictions
On the map, real-time alerts with travel restrictions for each country
IATA (International Air Transport Association) represents some 290 airlines comprising 82% of global air traffic. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) introduced a free online interactive world map to provide travelers with the latest COVID-19 entry regulations by country.
The map relies on IATA’s Timatic database which contains comprehensive information on documentation required for international travel. To keep pace with the dynamic situation with respect to COVID-19, Timatic is updated more than 200 times per day to provide accurate travel restrictions specific to the current pandemic, based on one’s citizenship and country of residence.
IATA’s Timatic team works around the clock to gather ever-changing travel regulations in more than 220 countries from 1,700 government sources, namely, officials from immigration departments, ministries of foreign affairs, Civil Aviation Authorities and ministries of health. This information is immediately input into Timatic, and changes are available to users every 15 minutes. The access to the interactive map and the IATA Travel Centre is free for travelers.
‘’As the aviation industry prepares to safely restart, travelers will need to know which countries’ borders are open and what health restrictions exist. Travelers can rely on Timatic for comprehensive and accurate information on travel during the pandemic,’’ said Anish Chand, IATA’s Assistant Director, Timatic.
Click on the image to view the IATA interactive map
Photo: © 2020 International Air Transport Association.
In a recent survey commissioned by IATA regarding concerns people had about air travel post-crisis, more than 80% of travelers said they are as concerned about potential quarantine restrictions as they are about actually catching the virus during travel. With the uncertainties and quickly changing health restrictions from one country to the next during the pandemic, this new resource for travel planning is timely and important.
‘’We support the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) guidelines to harmonize the measures to keep people safe while traveling and provide the confidence to open borders without quarantine measures. And this Timatic offering will be a vital tool for travelers who need easy access to accurate information on entry requirements,” said Chand.
IATA’s COVID-19 interactive world map, also available for mobile, can be viewed here. The Timatic COVID-19 Alerts service was also launched this week to offer subscribers real-time notifications for all travel updates related to the pandemic.
Edited by Alisè Vitri
Text source: Ufficio Stampa IATA
Visual: © Sisterscom.com / Shutterstock
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