23 May 2020

Temperature screening equipment now being trialled at Heathrow

Part of a wider programme looking at technology that could reduce the risk of contracting or transmitting COVID-19 in the future
Observations from trials to be shared with Government as Heathrow’s CEO urges the need for a Common International Standard for health screening across all international airports.
Heathrow CEO John Holland-Kaye said: “We welcome the Secretary of State for Transport’s ‘air bridge’ proposals to allow trade to continue between destinations with low COVID-19 risks. To unlock the full benefits of aviation for the economy, a Common International Standard for health screening must be agreed by the global authorities - and the technology we are trialling now could be a part of this solution. As one of the world’s great trading nations, the UK should take a lead in setting a global plan to reopen borders, when it is safe to do so. This will help protect millions of British jobs that rely on aviation, but are currently at risk.”
London Heathrow Airport
Temperature screening equipment at Heathrow Airport. Photo: Copyright © Heathrow Airports Limited.
Thermal screening technology is being trialled in Terminal 2’s immigration hall to detect elevated temperatures of arriving passengers. Learnings from these trials will be shared with the UK Government, to aid the rapid creation of a Common International Standard for health screening, needed to unlock global trade and travel.   
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Temperature screening equipment at Heathrow Airport. Photo: Copyright © Heathrow Airports Limited.
The technology under trial uses camera detection systems capable of monitoring the temperatures of multiple people moving through the airport. Passengers will be alerted to the trials through signage placed at the immigration hall, but will otherwise see no visible change to their arrivals journey as no other screening methods will be needed. No personal data will be stored or shared through these trials. 
London Heathrow Airport
Temperature screening equipment at Heathrow Airport. Photo: Copyright © Heathrow Airports Limited.
If successful, the equipment may be rolled out across the airport into departures, connections and colleague search areas to further stress test its capabilities. Heathrow is clear any measures or technology must satisfy certain tests if it is introduced as mandatory in the future, including: satisfy medically grounded science; able to build confidence amongst passengers; and be practical for airports to deliver.
London Heathrow Airport
Temperature screening equipment at Heathrow Airport. Photo: Copyright © Heathrow Airports Limited.
Temperature screening is part of a wider set of processes and technology set to be trialled at Heathrow that are looking at how the risk of contracting or transmitting COVID-19 while travelling can be reduced. From this week, all operational Heathrow colleagues will be wearing face coverings and will be handing out face coverings to any arriving and departing passengers who do not have their own. This is in addition to the provision of over 600 hand sanitiser stations, enhanced cleaning regimes, prominent signage featuring government health advice, perspex barriers for frontline contact points and social distancing reminders. 
Heathrow will also explore the use of UV sanitation to quickly and efficiently sanitise security trays and contact-free security screening equipment to reduce person-to-person contact
London Heathrow Airport
Temperature screening equipment at Heathrow Airport. Photo: Copyright © Heathrow Airports Limited.
The launch of the trials comes as the UK Government considers the implementation of “air bridgesacross destinations with low COVID-19 risk, to protect public health while enabling the travel of goods and services that is needed to kick-start the economy. Current expert advice suggests that temperature checks at UK airports are not required, however, it is hoped learnings from this trial will help governments introduce the policy framework leading to a global Common International Standard for health screening
Edited by Alisè Vitri
Text source: Heathrow Press Office
Visual: Copyright © Heathrow Airports Limited
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