04 May 2020

Alitalia: service with New York suspended until 31 May pending the improvement of the epidemiological picture

Suspension of the Rome (Fiumicino) - New York (JFK) service from 5 to 31 May.
Alitalia announces that it has proceeded with the suspension of the Rome (Fiumicino) - New York (JFK) service from 5 to 31 May due to the marked slowdown in demand recorded in the last ten days of April and the worrying level of Covid-19 positive cases persistent in New York.
More specifically, on the 18 flights operated between 20 and 30 April, the Airline carried only 580 passengers, on average 32 per flight, with 12% load factor compared to the 4,675 seats offered.
The high percentage of no-show in airports of passengers holding regular ticket was presumably determined, beside the current restrictions to the mobility, by the spread of Covid-19 in the New York area (169,000 positive cases, more than double incidence, compared to Lombardy, in relation to the population). With this in mind, the Airline Alitalia considered the measure - as well as economically inevitable - also appropriate for the protection of its flight crew resting so far in the American city before entering in service.
Edited by Alisè Vitri
Text source: Alitalia Press Office
Visual: Sisterscom.com / Massimo Salesi / Shutterstock
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