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AVION TOURISM #77 Special Edition for Milan Bergamo Airport
AVION TOURISM #77 Special Edition for Milan Bergamo Airport
AVION TOURISM #77 Special Edition for Milan Bergamo Airport
AVION TOURISM #77 Special Edition for Milan Bergamo Airport
AVION TOURISM #77 Special Edition for Milan Bergamo Airport
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At Milan Bergamo airport you are
in the heart of the Italian Capital of Culture 2023
For the first time, the nomination went to two cities, Bergamo and Brescia, merged into a single capital: The Illuminated City. A unique territory, committed to enhancing its artistic and cultural heritage and which is testament to a tradition made of hard work, innovation and sustainability. A territory of unexpected beauty waiting to be discovered.
Bergamo vista dall'alto. Foto: Copyright © Visit Bergamo - Matteo Zanga
 Bergamo seen from above. Photo: Copyright © Visit Bergamo - Matteo Zanga
2023 is therefore the perfect year to visit an effervescent capital: a rich program of unmissable exhibitions, festivals and events awaits you. And not only that, from UNESCO sites to squares, from fortresses to churches, from museums to theatres; the unmissable places are multiplying, evidence of the rebirth after the dramatic pandemic experience; Bergamo and Brescia offer their hidden treasures and natural beauties.

Piazza Vecchia a Bergamo. Foto: Copyright © Visit Bergamo - Matteo Zanga
Piazza Vecchia in Bergamo. Photo: Copyright © Visit Bergamo - Matteo Zanga
A capital rich in history that takes you on a journey of over 2000 years: from the Brixia Roman archaeological park, to the Venetian Walls, the UNESCO World Heritage sites tell of ancient dominations. Come and learn about its history and take a walk in the balanced geometries of its squares, the iconic Piazza Vecchia, the modern Piazza Dante in Bergamo or Piazza della Loggia, the beating heart of Brescia.
Parco archeologico e Castello di Brescia. Foto: Copyright © Visit Brescia
Parco archeologico e Castello di Brescia. Foto: Copyright © Visit Brescia
Archaeological Park and Castle of Brescia. Photo: Copyright © Visit Brescia
From history to modern and contemporary art along an itinerary that starts from the Accademia Carrara in Bergamo, a completely renovated museum that opens with an exhibition dedicated to Cecco del Caravaggio that can be visited until June. After, the gallery presents Peaks of Light, a dialogue between paintings and photographs by Naoki Ishikawa (until September) and Tutto in voi la luce mia, a dialogue between painting, literature and music (until January 2024).
Accademia Carrrara. Foto: Copyright © Visit Bergamo 
Accademia Carrrara. Photo: Copyright © Visit Bergamo 
We then move on to GAMeC, a modern and contemporary art gallery with A Leap into the Void, Art and Matter in Transformation and we arrive at the Santa Giulia Museum in Brescia with an exhibition dedicated to Giacomo Ceruti and the completely renovated Museum of the Risorgimento Lioness of Italy.
Parco dei colli a Bergamo. Foto: Copyright © Visit Bergamo - Alessio Guitti
Park of the hills in Bergamo. Photo: Copyright © Visit Bergamo - Alessio Guitti
Among the more than 100 projects of the year, the Capital offers two important routes that connect Bergamo to Brescia: the Via delle Sorelle and the Cultural Cycle Path. The Via delle Sorelle is a 130km path amid nature and art, to be covered on foot, slowly, to discover the contemporary works of art positioned along the six stages, each about 25km long, crossing hills, lakes and nature reserves throughout 36 municipalities: a real open-air stage.
Percorsi in Franciacorta. Foto: Copyright © Visit Bergamo - Alessio Guitti
Itineraries in Franciacorta. Photo: Copyright © Visit Bergamo - Alessio Guitti
Another symbol of the capital is the Cultural Cycle Path: a cycle path that winds for 76 kilometres among more than 800 historical and cultural assets. Another 17 cultural loops double the route that crosses the two wine districts of the area: Val Calepio and Franciacorta. Along the way there are also 8 elevated panoramic points, land art projects that we invite you to discover, including the ambitious walkway over the Oglio River.
Formaggi bergamaschi e casoncelli. Foto: Copyright © Visit Bergamo
Formaggi bergamaschi e casoncelli. Foto: Copyright © Visit Bergamo
Bergamo cheeses and casoncelli. Photo: Copyright © Visit Bergamo
However, you won’t only find culture in the Capital but also a precious food and wine heritage. Bergamo, the European Cheese Capital thanks to its 9 DOP cheeses and the millenary dairy tradition, holds the title of UNESCO Creative City for gastronomy. Brescia is home to the king of sparkling wine, Franciacorta, an Italian wine excellence. Also not to be missed is the culinary symbol of the two cities, the Casoncello, a filled pasta with many local variations, that all deserve to be tasted.
Video: Copyright © Visit Bergamo
Città Alta di Bergamo Foto: Copyright © / Depositphotos
Città Alta in Bergamo Photo: Copyright © / Depositphotos
Il Duomo Nuovo a Brescia. Foto: Copyright © / Shutterstock
The New Cathedral in Brescia. Photo: Copyright © / Shutterstock
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Recommended tours in Bergamo
Bergamo Alta Foto: Copyright © / Depositphotos
Bergamo Alta Photo: Copyright © / Depositphotos
Tour to discover the Città Alta
Stroll through the ancient and small streets of Bergamo Alta
with a local guide, exploring the most important places.
Polenta e osei Foto: Copyright © / Depositphotos
Polenta e osei Photo: Copyright © / Depositphotos
Traditional food tour
Discover the gastronomic culture of Bergamo accompanied
by a local guide and taste the cuisine of Bergamo.
Recommended tours in Brescia
brescia Foto: Copyright © / Depositphotos
Photo: Copyright © / Depositphotos
Tour to discover Brescia
Discover the artistic beauties of the historic center of Brescia
with an exclusive walking tour through the streets and squares of the city.
franciacorta Foto: Copyright © / Depositphotos
Photo: Copyright © / Depositphotos
Food and wine tour in Franciacorta
Have lunch in a local restaurant, visit a cellar to taste wine and local products
and enjoy the marvels of Franciacorta and Lake Iseo.

A land of bell towers - the architectural symbol of cities and towns in Italy, 
Lombardy boasts an artistic heritage that embodies history, culture and lifestyle.
The history of Lombard architecture is marked by numerous castles, fortresses and walls erected to defend the cities, such as the majestic walls that enclose the beautiful Upper Bergamo, a UNESCO World Heritage (from July 9, 2017) as Venetian Works of Defence, between 15th and 17th centuries.
Le Mura di Bergamo, la Rocca Scaligera di Sirmione e il Castello di Brescia Foto: Copyright © / Depositphotos
The Walls of Bergamo, the Rocca Scaligera of Sirmione and the Castle of Brescia Photo: Copyright © / Depositphotos
Almost everywhere you can find wonderful buildings: the Rocca Scaligera, which was sited to guard the Dock of Sirmione, the Castle of Vigevano with the adjacent Ducal Palace, the Visconti Castles of VogheraPaviaBelgioioso and Chignolo Po, embellished by many great artists, and the spectacular fortified complex of Brescia, which has been dubbed the “Falcone d’Italia” (Falcon of Italy).
Lombardy is teeming with historic squares. Meeting places and central locations, 
which are often overlooked by the most important buildings.
Piazza Vecchia in Upper Bergamo has the seventeenth-century ‘A. Mai’ Civic Library with white marble facade, the Palazzo della Ragione (literally Palace of Reason) with its thirteenth-century civic tower known as “il Campanone” (Big Bell Tower), behind which lies the Piazzetta del Duomo with the majestic Basilica of S. Maria Maggiore, the Colleoni Chapel, the mausoleum of the famous condottiere Bartolomeo Colleoni with unmistakeable facade of polychrome marble, the Duomo (Cathedral) dedicated to the city’s patron Saint Alessandro, and the Baptistery, an octagonal construction dating back to 1340.
Piazza Vecchia a Bergamo e Piazza Paolo Vi a Brescia Foto: Copyright © / Depositphotos
Piazza Vecchia in Bergamo and Piazza Paolo Vi in Brescia Photo: Copyright © / Depositphotos
Piazza Paolo VI, with the Palazzo del Broletto and the old Duomo, is the ancient heart of Brescia. The Complex of Santa Giulia is the Museum of the city recognized in 2011 by UNESCO as important Lombard monument in Italy. The UNESCO site also includes the Archaeological Park of Roman Brixia with the Capitoline Temple (or Capitolium), a theater, a Republican Sanctuary and a Basilica.
piazza del comune a Cremona e la Piazza Ducale di Vigevano Foto: Copyright © / Depositphotos
The Town Hall Square in Cremona and the Ducal Square in Vigevano Photo: Copyright © / Depositphotos
In Cremona, the city of stringed instrument makers, the Piazza del Comune (Town Hall Square), with the Torrazzo, the Cathedral, the Baptistery, the Loggia dei Militi and the Town Hall, is one of the most important squares in Italy.
Inspired by Leonardo da Vinci and built by BramantePiazza di Vigevano, with its porticos and concave Baroque facade of its Duomo, is considered one of the most beautiful in Italy and one of the most harmonious constructions of the Italian Renaissance.
Historic palaces, cathedrals and monasteries, the triumph of architectural beauty
Mantua, the city of the Gonzaga family, fully expresses the spirit of the Renaissance, from the rooms of the immense Ducal Palace, made famous by the work of Mantegna, to those of the refined Palazzo TePalazzo Ducale is one of the largest monumental complexes in Europe (34,000 square meters) and was the palace of the Gonzaga family.
Palazzo Te is a masterpiece of Giulio Romano for Federico II Gonzaga. Inside you can admire the Sala di Amore e Psiche, with the frescoes celebrating the union between Federico II Gonzaga and Isabella d'Este; the Hall of the Giants depicting the fall of the giants by the hand of Zeus.
Mantova Foto: Copyright © / Depositphotos
Mantua Photo: Copyright © / Depositphotos
Just outside Pavia lies the famous Certosa, a Carthusian monastery and one of the gems of the Italian Renaissance, with polychrome marble facade, pinnacles that ‘slim’ its shape, statues and medallions placed like architectural jewels. The construction of the Certosa of Pavia was commissioned by Gian Galeazzo Visconti and is a Cistercian monastery and Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of Grace, located in the homonymous municipality about 8 km from Pavia. The monument, dating from the fourteenth century, was built in the late Italian Gothic period.
Certosa di pavia e Duomo di Monza Copyright © / Depositphotos
Certosa of Pavia and Cathedral of Monza Photo: Copyright © / Depositphotos
The Duomo of Monza, which houses the “Corona Ferrea” (Iron Crown) of the Lombard kings, features different architectural influences from Baroque to Rococo. Dedicated to John the Baptist, it is the most important monument of Monza. It stands on the site where, around the year 595, Queen Theodelinda built a basilica. In 1300 the work of the new basilica began and ended in 1346 with the consecration of the high altar. The building was in Latin cross shape and with three aisles. The chapels  were built in the second half of the 14th century,  by the architect and sculptor Matteo da Campione, who also widened the façade.
Milan cultural center of Lombardy
Duomo e la Basilica di Sant'Ambrogio a Milano Copyright © / Depositphotos
Il Duomo e la Basilica di Sant'Ambrogio a Milano. Foto: Copyright © / Depositphotos
With attractions such as the Duomo (Cathedral), without doubt one of the greatest Gothic constructions in the world, the mighty Sforzesco Castle, the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci, one of the most important art works of all time, the Church of S. Maria delle Grazie, the austere Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio, the Brera Art Gallery“La Scala” and other splendid theatres, the “Navigli” (canals) and the city streets, in particular those dedicated to fashion and shopping, Milan offers a extraordinarily rich array of beauty, art, architecture and events. In addition Milan has numerous buildings dating back to the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries, that combine both functionality and beauty.
The villas and monuments overlooking the Lombard lakes
Como e Lecco Copyright © / Depositphotos
View of the cities of Como and Lecco from the lake. Photo: Copyright © / Depositphotos
In the city of Como and along the entire perimeter of the Lake Comohistoric buildingssplendid villas and solemn religious buildings with artistic treasures and natural beauty can be admired. The interesting Manzoni itinerary in Lecco offers the opportunity to visit the places that inspired the famous novel “The Betrothed”.
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Visit the Tiqets website to find the activities to do in the cities of Lombardy and visit the most beautiful attractions of the cities, including castles, ancient theatres, museums, archaeological parks and much more.
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Avion Tourism Magazine N77/2023 Special Edition for Milan Bergamo Airport
Issue closed by Editorial Staff on 14 April 2023 
Editor in chief: Angela Trivigno. Contributors: Alisè Vitri, Enzo Cuppatri, Lisa Maria River, Nicole Villa, Nicolò Villa. Cover photo: Copyright © Snc / DedMityay / Photos: Copyright © Snc with image usage license purchased from and (Photo for editorial use only. Credits specified under each published photo or video). Press Office:,,,,,; Sacbo S.p.A.. Avion Tourism Magazine Special Edition for Milan Bergamo Airport N.77/2023: issue closed by Editorial Staff on 14/04/2023 and published on Registration: Registered at Bergamo Law Court Bergamo N.1 of 09/01/2003 and N.9/2019 of 03/07/2019. Periodicity: semiannual. Publisher, Editing, Administration and Advertising: Snc - Via Piave, 102 - 23879 Verderio (Lc) - Italy. P.Iva/C.F. 03248170163 - Registro delle Imprese di Lecco Numero LC-304260. Literary and artistic property: Copyright © Snc. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited in any form and medium.
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