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AVION TOURISM #74 Special Edition for Milan Bergamo Airport
The new digital edition
An Html digital edition of the new issue of Avion Tourism Magazine Special Edition for Milan Bergamo Airport has been published for the first time in 17 years, to ensure that it reaches the greatest number of readers possible compared to the paper edition alone. This will also allow the inclusion of not only more features and photographs, but also videos and other multimedia content. This new edition goes hand in hand with the evolution and changes occurring today, in which communication, and therefore publishing, has to be increasingly technological, digital, shareable and necessarily sustainable to help the environment and our planet.
The Editor together with Milan Bergamo Airport established this publishing project many months before the Covid-19 lockdown. It has proved to be extremely forward-thinking particularly because in situations where many people congregate, such as an airport, reading a magazine that has been passed around could cause significant problems from a health perspective. For this reason, paper magazines are no longer available to passengers in airport terminals and on board airlines
We hope you will enjoy this new digital edition of the magazine, which can now be read conveniently from any mobile device - laptop, tablet or smartphone - anywhere and at any time of the day, before, during or after your trip. You’ll find new inspiration for choosing the destination of your dreams, flying from Milan Bergamo Airport.  
Avion Tourism Magazine
Avion Tourism MagazineAvion Tourism Magazine
Italian destinations. Photos: Copyright © / Shutterstock
In this issue, we invite you to travel in Italy, not just because it is an extremely beautiful country and one the whole world envies, but also because at this very difficult time we have chosen to support our country by promoting uniquely charming destinations for spending the summer and autumn holidays, all of which can be reached with direct flights from Milan Bergamo Airport
Make yourself comfortable because there is an abundance of Italian destinations served by Bergamo Airport. Read all about the fascinating places featured in this issue - Alghero, Bari, Brindisi, Cagliari, Catania, Crotone, Lamezia Terme, Lampedusa, Naples, Olbia, Palermo, Pescara, Pantelleria and Trapani - and find inspiration for choosing a place to spend your next few days of holiday. You’ll also find the latest news from the Airport, information on the airlines that have begun flying again to and from Milan Bergamo, and other useful travel advice.
Have a good trip with Avion Tourism Magazine!
Angela Trivigno
The new Html digital edition of Avion Tourism Magazine enables anyone to read the contents published on any device and access the website pages and multimedia content. It can be read vertically, scrolling the articles DESTINATIONSAIRPORTS, AIRLINES and NEWS & USEFUL INFO, and horizontally, passing directly from one item to another in the navigation menu found under the header. After reading the in-depth articles proposed, you can return to the Html digital version of the magazine by clicking on the relevant key "Return to Avion Tourism Magazine".
Avion Tourism Magazine N74/2020 Special Edition for Milan Bergamo Airport
Issue closed by Editorial Staff on 21 July 2020.
Editor in chief: Angela Trivigno. Contributors: Alisè Vitri, Anna Glik, Enzo Cuppatri, Eugenio Sorrentino, Lisa Maria River, Nicolò Villa. Translations: Juliet Halewood. Cover photo: Copyright © Snc / Anton Balazh / Shutterstock. Photos: Photographs Archive of Snc. Images used with purchased license. Copyright © Snc / (Photo for editorial use only: Copyright © Snc / Photographers specified under each published photo / Press Office: Euroitalia Srl; Pressjam; Sacbo S.p.A.; VideoPr; Visit Bergamo (Agenzia per lo sviluppo e la Promozione Turistica della Provincia di Bergamo scarl). Avion Tourism Magazine Special Edition for Milan Bergamo Airport N.74/2020: issue closed by Editorial Staff on 21/07/2020 and published on Registration: Registered at Bergamo Law Court N.1 of 09/01/2003; N.9/2019 of 03/07/2019. Periodicity: semiannual. Publisher, Editing, Administration and Advertising: Snc - Via Piave, 102 - 23879 Verderio (Lc) - Italy. P.Iva/C.F. 03248170163 - Registro delle Imprese di Lecco Numero LC-304260. Literary and artistic property: Copyright © Snc. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited in any form and medium.
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