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In this new issue of Avion Tourism Magazine, we guide you to discover important World Heritage sites in Sicily and Sardinia, two Italian islands that boast a rich history and a cultural heritage of inestimable value.
Both islands have been influenced by the cultures that have succeeded over the millennia, from ancient Greece to Roman domination, from the Arab era to Norman and Spanish domination. This cultural heritage is testified by numerous sites that have been declared World Heritage by UNESCO, and that we will explore, thus suggesting a tailor-made travel itinerary for those who will go on vacation in Sicily and Sardinia.
In Sicily, you can visit seven World Cultural Heritage Sites: the archaeological area of Agrigento, the Roman villa of Casale in Piazza Armerina, the Aeolian Islands, the late Baroque towns of Val di Noto, Syracuse and the Pantalica Rock Necropolises, the Arab-Norman Palermo and the Cathedrals of Cefalù and Monreale, and Mount Etna. There are also inscriptions on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage with the Agricultural Practice of the Alberello Vine of Pantelleria and the Pupi Opera in Sicily.
The World Heritage sites of Sicily and Sardinia Copyright ©  / Avion Tourism Magazine
The World Heritage sites of Sicily and Sardinia. Copyright ©  / Depositphotos.
In Sardinia, you can discover the archaeological site of Su Nuraxi in Barumini, listed as a World Cultural Heritage Site that expresses the history and natural beauty of Sardinia. Cultural uniqueness, on the other hand, is discovered through the Canto a tenore in Sardinia and the Festivals of the Great Shoulder-Borne Machines: the "faradda di li candareri" in Sassari, both listed in the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
The tourist information is completed by the various excursions and tours that can be chosen during the trip to discover the World Heritage in Sicily and Sardinia, to enrich the vacation with personalized experiences based on one's interests and the time available, and to return from the trip with unforgettable memories.
Finally, a look at the information on airports in proximity to the World Heritage sites in Sicily and Sardinia, to reach the destinations quickly from the airports of these two Italian regions.
Have a good trip with Avion Tourism Magazine!  
Angela Trivigno
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Avion Tourism Magazine N10/2022
Editor in chief: Angela Trivigno. Contributors: Alisè Vitri, Anna Glik, Enzo Cuppatri, Lisa Maria River. Foto di copertina: Copyright © Snc / sepavone / Photos: Copyright © Snc with image usage license purchased from e (Photo for editorial use only. Credits specified under each published photo or video). Press Office: Commissione Nazionale Italiana per l'UNESCO; Associazione Città e Siti Italiani Patrimonio Mondiale UNESCO; UNESCO Beni Culturali - Ministero della cultura. Video: Documentari MiC e Rai Cultura, Canale Ufficiale YouTube del MiC - Ministero della cultura / Rai Cultura; Isola di Pantelleria Parco Nazionale. Avion Tourism Magazine N.10/2022: closed in the editorial staff and published on 22/12/2022 su Registration: Registro Stampa Tribunale di Bergamo N. 9/2019 del 03/07/2019. Periodicity: quadrimestrale. Publisher, Editing, Administration and Advertising: Snc - Via Piave, 102 - 23879 Verderio (Lc) Italy. P.Iva/C.F. 03248170163 - Registro delle Imprese di Lecco Numero LC-304260. Literary and artistic property: Copyright © Snc. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited in any form and medium..
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