16 April 2020

Milano Prime and the Business Aviation respond to the health emergency

The terminals of Milano Linate Prime and Malpensa Prime are operational with extraordinary actions and preventive measures
SEA Prime, a company of the SEA Group, which with the Milano Prime brand is the sole manager of the Business & General Aviation infrastructures for the Linate and Malpensa airports, addresses the health emergency by implementing preventive measures, in compliance with the rules and recommendations issued by the institutions.
The Milano Malpensa Prime terminal at Milan Malpensa airport has remained open to 24/7 for passengers’ traffic, managing several "rescue" flights for the return of citizens residing in Italy who were blocked abroad and for permitted travel. Emergency medical flights are also managed to transport patients, devices and medical operators.
Milano Linate Prime at the Milan Linate airport is currently operational for medical flights and, therefore, in addition to the activities related to the COVID-19 emergency, also for the transportation of organs, devices and medical operators. In Milano Linate Prime, maintenance flights of based aircraft are also carried out, to allow the maintenance of the airworthiness requirements of the fleets.
Overall, from the beginning of the restrictions to date, over 400 movements have been handled at the two airports, a drop compared to last year due to the existing limitations and in line with the trend registered at European level.
Milano Malpensa Prime.
Milano Malpensa Prime. Protocols for cleaning and sanitizing spaces. Photo. SEA Prime.
The Business&General Aviation sector is providing an important contribution to the ongoing pandemic by allowing passengers to return to their countries of origin as well as contributing to the transportation of patients, staff and healthcare facilities.
In this context, Milano Prime is in the front line alongside the operators based in the two Milanese airports who, even during an emergency, manage to guarantee flights of primary importance in a very difficult context as well as the necessary assistance to the aircraft.
"SEA Prime's primary objective in this situation is to safeguard the health of passengers, crews, operators and colleagues who work every day to ensure the operations of Milano Linate Prime and Milano Malpensa Prime." comments Chiara Dorigotti, CEO of SEA Prime. "In addition to providing staff with anti-contagion protection devices, safety is guaranteed by direct measures and information for both staff and operators, by the installation of sanitizing gel dispensers and by the introduction of protocols for cleaning and sanitizing spaces."
High safety standards and health protocols will also be implemented and guaranteed from the recovery of operations to the reaching of pre-pandemic levels.
Edited by Lisa Maria River
Text source and photos: SEA Prime Press Office
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