10 April 2024

Save Soil movement marks two years

The global rally to preserve Earth's Lifeline has reached over 4 billion people
Two years since its inception, the Save Soil movement, spearheaded by Indian Yogi Sadhguru, has emerged as the world's largest people's movement with an unprecedented reach of 4 billion individuals worldwide. Born out of the urgent need to combat soil degradation, Save Soil has ignited a global conversation, catalyzing action to safeguard the very foundation of life on Earth.
At its core, Save Soil confronts the alarming reality of soil extinction - a crisis that imperils food security, biodiversity, climate stability, and human livelihoods. Through a combination of community engagement and policy initiatives, the movement has galvanized support from governments, organizations, influencers, and citizens worldwide.
Sadhguru Foto: Copyright © Ufficio Stampa Conscious Planet Salva il Suolo
Sadhguru Photo: Copyright © Conscious Planet Save Soil Press
Sadhguru's arduous 100-day, 30,000 km lone motorcycle journey from London to southern India marked the inception of Save Soil. This extraordinary expedition traversed 27 countries, sparking dialogue and mobilizing individuals from all walks of life. Sadhguru's efforts have garnered endorsements from global leaders and luminaries such as Narendra Modi, Dr. Jane Goodall, and His Holiness The Dalai Lama.
Elevating Soil to Climate Discourse
In December 2023, at COP28 in Dubai, Sadhguru elevated soil to the forefront of climate discussions, emphasizing its role as a "Climate Superstar"; Joined by Ibrahim Thiaw (UNCCD Executive Secretary) and The Rt Hon Patricia Scotland (Secretary- General of the Commonwealth), Sadhguru urged urgent action, stressing that "making soil 'cool'; as a topic is just the beginning - we have to cool the soil".
The launch of the "Soil For Climate Action"; campaign at COP28 further underscored Save Soil's commitment to soil health as a climate solution. Partnering with global initiatives like Climate Clock and 4per1000, the campaign aims to raise awareness about soil's pivotal role in mitigating climate change and promoting sustainable practices.
Concrete Policy Solutions and Continued Mission
Save Soil's impact extends beyond a people’s movement to concrete policy solutions. The movement has developed Soil Policy Handbooks for seven regions and cataloged sustainable soil management solutions for all 193 nations. This comprehensive approach empowers governments to enact policies tailored to their unique environmental contexts.
As Save Soil commemorates its second anniversary, the journey towards soil regeneration continues. With grassroots mobilization and global partnerships, the movement remains steadfast in its mission to protect and revitalize Earth's soil - a critical step towards securing a sustainable future for generations to come.
For more information about Sadhguru and the Save Soil movement, visit savesoil.org and follow @ConsciousPlanetMovement and @CPSaveSoil on social media or write to contact.it@consciousplanet.org
Edited by editorial staff, Avion Tourism Magazine
Text source and photos: Copyright © Conscious Planet Save Soil Press
Conscious Planet Save the Soil is the movement, and each one of us can become an active part by staying informed, promoting the movement, participating in events, and raising awareness among politicians. Learn more about the movement and how to become an Earth Buddy.
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