30 March 2023

The contemporary eclecticism by Sicis at the Salone del Mobile Milano

The new concept that SICIS will unveil at the Salone del Mobile Milano 2023 is based on a word: eklektikos
Eklektikos is a greek term meaning to choose what we think it's best among different things. Applied todesign, the concept of eclecticism involves the ability to draw inspiration from multiple sources andstyles, combining the elements that are more suitable for us. Following this philosophy, SICIS has designed the ambiences that it will present in its stand. A mixture ofpieces belonging to different styles, a skilful fusion of ancient and modern, decorative and essential. 
Sicis. Copyright © Sicis. 
Sicis. Copyright © Sicis. 
It all stems from a thorough study of the market and the consumers' needs, carried out in recent monthsby SICIS' R&D department. The latest demands in furnishings, both nationally and especiallyinternationally, are those of combining antique pieces, perhaps handed down by ancestors, with modernfurnishings, in a sort of contemporary eclecticism.
Sicis. Copyright © Sicis. 
Sicis. Copyright © Sicis. 
Thus, SICIS includes in its Home collections, which in recent years have been characterized by clean lines,in some cases minimal but still with the brand's distinctive personality, pieces of craftmanship madefollowing the ancient Italian woodworking tradition. We find hand-carved consoles, armchairs, andmirrors made according to rare workmanship and knowledge, surviving today only thanks to thetransmission from generation to generation. Furniture born as authentic works of art used to embellishand give character to a modern and linear environment.
Sicis. Copyright © Sicis. 
Sicis. Copyright © Sicis. 
But SICIS is not only furnishings; it's a whole universe of covering materials, surfaces and textiles.Therefore, wall coverings for which it has become famous worldwide cannot be missing: beautiful floralartistic mosaics, bright walls and partitions in Vetrite, capable of creating reflections and giving depth tothe ambiences.
Sicis. Copyright © Sicis. 
Sicis. Copyright © Sicis. 
SICIS will present the new textiles collection, which will be added to its already extensive offer. Fabricsmade with jacquard technique in a floral style that takes up the three-dimensionality of the mosaic tocover and bring a new freshness to the seating and sofas of the Home Collection. In particular, the Zenomodular system, which returns in a double-sided lounge version after its preview at the Salone 2022, isperfect for the hotel industry sector. Once again at the Salone del Mobile Milano 2023, SICIS will bring all its expertise, its ability to perfectly combine materials and colours, itsunlimited range of products, furnishings, accessories, lightings, fabrics, surfaces, and carpets to createenvironments full of dreamlike magic, harmony and vitality.
Edited by editorial staff, Avion Luxury Magazine
Text source: © Sicis Press Office
Photos: Copyright © Sicis. 

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